Presenter Registration & Expenses


Presenter Registration & Expenses

Presenter Registration

CAAEYC is pleased that you have decided to submit a workshop proposal for consideration for our Annual Conference. Below is information that will help make your session and your experience at the Annual Conference as productive and rewarding as possible, should your proposal be accepted.

If your proposal is accepted, all presenters (primary and up to two co-presenters) will receive a discount on conference registration. All presenters will register through the Presenter Service Center -- do not register through Attendee registration (or the Attendee Service Center).

If your workshop proposal is accepted and you do not plan to participate in any other CAAEYC Conference events other than presenting your workshop, there will be no charge. This applies to all presenters. However, if you want to attend sessions, you will need to register.

If your proposal is accepted, all presenters (primary and co-presenters) must register by March 1, 2025 – we will not register you. Presenter registrations received by this date ensures that presenters will be included the program.

Honorarium and Expenses

As a nonprofit educational association, CAAEYC does not pay an honorarium for workshop presentations. Presenters must also cover their own technology and printing expenses. CAAEYC offers workshop handouts online and thus does not print workshop handouts for distribution.