Proposal Submission FAQs


Proposal Submission FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Call for Proposals Process

To assist you in preparing a proposal submission for the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo – here are responses to some of the frequently asked questions. Please read through the FAQs before entering the Call for Proposals online system to submit your proposal as many of your questions could be answered below.

What is the theme for the 2024 Annual Conference & Expo?

The 2024 conference theme is being reviewed by the conference committee. Theme coming soon.

When is the deadline to submit a proposal?

Monday, September 25, 2023, (until 11:59pm PST). This is a definitive deadline – there will not be any extensions.

May I submit my proposals by fax or mail?

No, all proposals are accepted online only.

How many proposals may I submit for consideration?

Primary presenters may submit up to two (2) proposals. If more than two proposals are submitted, the first two proposals submitted based upon the automated date stamp from the system will be saved for review. All additional proposals after the second proposal will be deleted.

How long will it take me to complete my submission online?

This depends on a variety of factors, such as the level of detail in your proposal. If you are including co-presenters and entering their information into the system, please allow time for this additional data entry. We recommend allowing sufficient, undivided time to submit your proposal online, between 45 minutes to an hour. You need to complete the proposal process all at one time. You will be provided with credentials to log in and edit your proposal until the deadline of Monday, September 25, 2023.

Is there a sample proposal format that I may follow as I prepare my proposal submission?

There is not a sample; however, you will need the following information to submit a proposal:

  • Name, title and email of all presenters
  • Contact information for primary presenter (address, telephone, etc.)
  • Presenter bio and qualifications on the proposed presentation subject
  • Workshop title
  • Workshop description (max 200 words)
  • Learning objectives (5)

How will I know that my proposal was successfully submitted?

If your proposal was successfully submitted, two activities automatically happen: (1) the website redirects you to a page with a proposal ID# and password and (2) an email confirmation notification is automatically generated by the system that includes the link where you may log in and review/edit your proposal. Prior to clicking the "Submit" button, please double check that you have entered your email address correctly. All communication uses the primary presenter's email address.

Once I submit my proposal, will I have the opportunity to make any changes or updates?

Yes, before the proposal deadline you will have an opportunity to make changes. Once you submit your proposal, you will receive log-in credentials by email (make sure you typed your email address correctly). The log-in credentials are your email address and a system-generated password, which you will use to enter into the database and make any changes. However, once the proposal process closes on Monday, September 25, 2023, you will no longer have access to make changes or updates.

How long are the workshop sessions?

All workshop sessions are 90 minutes in length.

May I request a special room set up for my workshop?

All workshop rooms are set theater style (rows of seats with podium at the front). This room set is used to maximize the number of seats available in the program. However, there might be an opportunity for an alternative room setup, which would be rounds (banquet style). Special meeting room setup will be considered based on interpreted logistics of the workshop if selected and based on space availability. If you would like your workshop to be considered for an alternative room setup (rounds as opposed to theater), you will have an opportunity to request and include an explanation when submitting your workshop proposal. There will be no guarantee that the request for an alternative room set will be provided.

Do presenters receive any compensation or reimbursement for expenses?

As a nonprofit educational association, CAAEYC does not pay an honorarium for workshop presentations. Presenters must also cover their own travel and printing expenses. CAAEYC offers workshop handouts online.

Do presenters receive a discount on Conference registration?

Presenters (primary and up to two co-presenters) will receive a discount on registration, which will be provided if your proposal be accepted.

What AV equipment will CAAEYC provide for my presentation?

CAAEYC will provide an LCD projector, screen, cart and electrical cords. Presenters are responsible for their own computer, laptop or other device to connect to the LCD projector. CAAEYC does not provide Internet service.

What is CAAEYC looking for in proposal content?

CAAEYC is looking for topics on practical experience and applied research in all areas relating to early childhood professionals. In addition, there is a demand for advanced level workshops and workshops for family childcare and elementary/school-age programs.

What is CAAEYC looking for in Leadership Day proposal content?

Leadership Day is the first day (Thursday) of our Conference and is designed to focus on leaders in ECE. Leaders may have an interest in public policy, accreditation, staff management, fundraising, leadership development, professional development etc. Considering the focus of Leadership Day, proposals should address topics, strategies, skills, etc. for ECE leaders as opposed to classroom practice.

What is taken into consideration when reviewing my proposal for acceptance?

Every proposal is reviewed by at least three of your peers including CAAEYC's Conference Committee. Criteria for acceptance includes, but is not limited, to the following:

  • Workshop timeliness and relevancy to content
  • Educational value of content
  • Workshop objectives, and do the learner outcomes meet the objectives
  • Is the proposal thorough and professional
  • Presenter qualifications on the workshop subject matter
  • If the presenter is commercially vested in the product did he/she provide a clear understanding of how they will present their workshop without giving the audience a sales pitch
  • Equal representation of presentations among the topic tracks

How long is the review process and when can I expect to know if my proposal is accepted?

Typically there are between 200 and 250 proposals submitted. The number of total reviews ranges between 600 and 750. The review and selection process takes approximately 45-60 days to complete (keeping in mind that the proposal reviewers are fulfilling this project on their own time). Notifications will begin in late November.

If you have other questions not addressed in these FAQs, contact the CAAEYC staff, at, or (916) 486-7750.