Presenter Guidelines


Presenter Guidelines

Content of Workshops

The purpose of CAAEYC is to serve and act on behalf of the needs and rights of young children by providing educational services and resources to adults who work with children from birth through 8 years of age including child care center staff, family child care providers, elementary school teachers, administrators and staff and many others. CAAEYC's Annual Conference attracts nearly 1,500 participants. As a service to 3,500 members, CAAEYC is looking for topics on practical experience and applied research in all areas relating to early childhood professionals.

Please note there is a demand for advanced level workshops and workshops for family child care and elementary/school-age programs.

Leadership Day

Leadership Day is the first day (Friday) of Conference and is designed to focus on leaders in ECE. Leaders may have an interest in public policy, accreditation, staff management, fundraising, leadership development, professional development, etc. Considering the focus of Leadership Day, proposals should address topics, strategies, skills, etc., for ECE leaders as opposed to classroom practice. Leadership Day can also provide leaders an opportunity to share their contributions to ECE not only at the local level but at the state level as well. Be sure to check the box if you would like your workshop to be considered for Leadership Day.

In alignment with CAAEYC's mission and best practices in early childhood care and education, all presenters are encouraged to consider the guidelines below when submitting a workshop proposal:

  • Use non-discriminatory words in verbal and written communications. Review your material and substitute asexual words such as sales representative or sales person instead of salesman. Refrain from using labels (e.g., referring to women as "girls"). Eliminate sexist language in your handouts (e.g., replace masculine pronouns with he or she, or reword sentences or phrases).
  • Avoid discriminatory jokes (e.g., belittling a person's sex, race or age, or perpetuating a stereotype).
  • Introduce panel members in a non-sexist manner. Avoid references to personal/physical attributes.
  • Avoid visual aids that show people in stereotypical roles. Regardless of sex, race, age groups, etc., present individuals without bias.

Please consider the following guidelines when preparing and submitting your workshop proposal:

Developmentally Appropriate Practice

  • Age appropriateness: reflective of physical, emotional, social and cognitive development within the identified age span.
  • Individual appropriateness: recognize individual patterns and timing of growth as well as individual learning styles and family background. Both the curriculum and adult's interaction with children should be responsive to individual differences.

Diversity/Equity Education

  • Present multicultural activities that are integrated into the total curriculum; not added on for special occasions or holidays.
  • Include activities that meet the needs of children from various backgrounds and cultures.
  • Include information enabling teachers/caregivers to handle the bias and discomfort present when addressing diversity issues.

Learning Level

In the proposal form, you will have the opportunity to designate the ideal participant's level of knowledge/skills most appropriate for your workshop. Please also remember that CAAEYC is in need of advanced workshops.

  • Introductory--Workshops will discuss concepts that are considered basic skills/knowledge
  • Intermediate--Workshops that participants may more fully comprehend/appreciate if they have at least some work experience in the field
  • Advanced--Workshops will present concepts requiring a high-level of work experience or educational background in the particular area/topic to be discussed
  • Appropriate for All

Promotion of Materials/Non-Commercial Presentations

CAAEYC workshops are learning experiences and are to remain free of commercial influence. Vested interest in workshop content does not prevent a proposal from being accepted, but the relationship must be disclosed to workshop participants. "Vested interest" includes curriculum, CDs and/or books that are self-produced and sold for profit.

If selected, a presenter should state their connection at the beginning of the presentation. A financial supporter of the program may be referenced verbally one time and included in one slide at the end of the workshop. Marketing materials may be available in the room for participants to pick up at their discretion. Sales of products/materials are to be conducted in the exhibit hall and only within contracted booth space. For information on exhibiting, contact CAAEYC staff at or (916) 486-7750.

Workshops Proposed as a Series

If your proposal is in conjunction with a series of proposed workshops, please state this intent in the “Additional Comments” section of the proposal form (e.g., "This is workshop one of two in the Music 123 series."). Please tell us if your workshop is only to be considered in conjunction with the series or if the workshop can be accepted independent of the other programs proposed in the series.


If you are selected to present at CAAEYC's Annual Conference and Expo, please view this engagement as you would any other professional commitment. Sharing your knowledge is a valuable contribution to the field and to the participants of your workshop. With the exception of emergency situations, personal or business, we request your full commitment.


Communications from CAAEYC will be via email and directed to the primary presenters. Primary presenters will be responsible for communicating information from CAAEYC to their additional presenters. A valid email address is required for all primary presenters - double check that you have typed your email address correctly.

Presenter Video Policy

Participation at CAAEYC conferences, meetings or related activities as a registrant, exhibitor, presenter or volunteer constitutes an agreement by these individuals to CAAEYC’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the participant’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities. CAAEYC’s Annual Conference keynote sessions, workshops, exhibits and all event-related activities may be recorded by CAAEYC at its discretion for CAAEYC marketing and promotions. Third-party videographers, presenters, attendees or other individuals are not permitted to record any activity at the conference, e.g., workshop sessions, keynote sessions, etc.